Electronic Communication
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Electronic Communication Overview

Because of the widespread nature of the Artemis Society membership, Electronic Communications is a fundamental part of the Artemis Project. The Artemis Electronic Communications infrastructure is based on a set of topic-oriented mailing lists, each mailing list covering a different technical or functional area of the Artemis Project. The use of multiple mailing lists keeps the conversations focused on specific topics and allows everyone to participate in only those discussions that they are interested in. To support those members who do not have access to the mailing lists, or aren't able to keep up with the volume of mailing lists, there are automated gateways set up between the mailing lists and numerous other communications environments, including newsgroups, online services, bulletin boards, and web pages. The overall electronic communications architecture is represented in the drawing below. To see more information about a particular part of the architecture, click on the appropriate part of the drawing or select one of the links below the drawing.

Artemis Electronic Communications Architecture
Listserver Mailing Lists | WWW Conversation Pages | Newsgroups | On-line Services | Bulletin Boards | Real-Time Meetings | Archives

Much of the above architecture has not been implemented yet. An overview of the electronic communication improvements was discussed in an article called "Artemis Electronic Communication Improvements" that was published in the Pleiades section of the January 1996 Moon Miner's Review newsletter. The implementation of these communications improvements, and maintaining the overall electronic communications environment, is the responsibility of the Electronic Communications Technical Committee (ECTC). The specific projects that are going on to implement these communications improvements are listed in the ECTC Task List. The ECTC is always looking for help in implementing many of these improvements. If you are willing to help, fill out the volunteer form in the ECTC Task List page.

If you are a member of an Artemis Technical Committee or discussion group and need electronic communications services set up for your committee or group, follow the instructions in the Electronic Communication Procedure Guide. If you have additional questions about the Artemis Electronic Communications infrastructure, first check out the Electronic Communications FAQ (which is not yet available, but will be soon). If you don't find your answers there, send your questions to the ECTC Help Desk using the form below.


If you have any questions about the Artemis Electronic Communications environment, please fill in the form below and press the "Send Question" button when you are finished. If you are using a browser that doesn't support forms, send mail with your question to

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E-mail Address:

Electronic Communication

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Author: Randall Severy. <> Maintained by Randall Severy <>.
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