1996 ECTC Status Reports
Section 9.1.1996.
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October 1996 ECTC Status Report

Activities continued at a steady pace in October for the Electronic Communications Technical Committee, with progress on many fronts. The web site was stable and quiet for the first full month since the move of the domain. There was a flurry of activity in the newsgroup area as Dale Amon set up several Artemis newsgroups on a test news server on his site in Ireland. Six new mailing lists were added this month, including a one-way broadcast list for news announcements called "artemis-news". The use of IRC for committee meetings became routine with the second successful ECTC IRC meeting on October 6.

The ECTC membership grew by one this month with Jeff Schultz climbing on board and volunteering to help out in monitoring Usenet newsgroups for items of interest to the Artemis Society. You can find the complete ECTC membership listing at There were no new tasks added to the ECTC task list this month, which is just as well as we already have our hands full enough as it is! As always, we are continually looking for new volunteers to help out in many areas of the ECTC task list. We are especially looking for someone to take over Greg's job in maintaining the artemis-list mailing list. If you would like to join the ECTC and help the team with any of the tasks on the list, you can use the form on the ECTC task list page at

Here is the latest status information from the individual work areas within the ECTC:

Help Desk

Nanci Brasket continued answering questions directed to the Comm and Info Center. Nanci edited 15 new or updated web pages and 3 images and put them on the web site. Candace Bartleson worked with Tim Cadell on setting up a practice database for the New Volunteer Interview System.

Listserver Mailing Lists

Six new mailing lists were added this month. The asi-mid-atlantic mailing list will serve the the ASI Mid Atlantic chapter. The art-logistics, art-sw, and art-3d mailing lists will support the Logistics, Software Architecture and Standards, and 3-D Modeling Technical Committees, respectively. The asi-admin mailing list will be used to coordinate ASI Headquarters administrative activity. A new one-way broadcast mailing list, artemis-news, was created to provide a forum for distributing news announcements about the Artemis Project. Any one can join that list, but posting to the list is restricted to people in the ASI Headquarters organization. If you have something you think should be posted to the list, please send it to Nanci at Instructions on joining any of these new lists can be found on the ASI mailing list web page at In addition to these new mailing lists, a workaround for the scheduling problem for list digests has been identified. There should be some progress in that area in the near future.

World Wide Web Server

John Peel's Web Page Procedures Guide was finally publically posted on the web site and can be found at Brian Cesar joined Kaylon Daniels in searching for a web site search engine for the ASI web site. The early favorite appears to be a package called WebGrep, but the search is still continuing.

WWW Conversation Pages

There was a lot of discussion about the planned HyperNews installation during the October ECTC IRC meeting. Randall Severy came away with the action item to install the HyperNews software on, but has not made any progress since the IRC meeting. Brad Ackerman continues to wait for that installation before tackling the configuration of the software. During the wait he began investigating setting up his own HyperNews installation to test out the software.

Usenet newsgroups

There was a lot of activity in this area this month. A lengthy discussion took place over private e-mail about the various issues involved in setting up the Artemis newsgroups, led by Dale Amon and Tim Cadell. Dale came up with an action plan for implementing and rolling out the Artemis newsgroups. Dale set up an initial set of Artemis newsgroups for testing on one of his servers in Ireland. Dale also began researching the use of the newsgate software for connecting the newsgroups to mailing lists. The use of the site for hosting the newsgroups and providing the gateway between the mailing lists and newsgroups may be delayed for some time due to the lack of resources in the domain.

On-line services

Vik Olliver uploaded one of his ASI graphic drawings to CompuServe. Mark Styles reported that the new rollout of the web-based Microsoft Network is not going very well. Efforts in establishing an Artemis presence on MSN are on hold until things settle down there.

Bulletin Boards

No progress to report this month.

Real-time Meetings

The second monthly ECTC IRC meeting was held on Sunday, October 6. Five people attended the meeting, although several other people said later that they had planned to attend but had forgotten about it or ran into technical difficulties connecting to the IRC server. A reminder message about the meeting was held up for several days when IO's mailing list machine got overloaded and the message wasn't distributed until after the meeting took place. Despite these continuing snafus, the meeting went very well, with a lot of ECTC business discussed. We came away from the meeting with a long action item list, which is still being worked on. Soon after the meeting occurred, a transcript of the meeting was posted on the ASI web site in the Real-Time Meetings section of the ADB. The third ECTC IRC meeting is scheduled for Sunday, November 3 at 7:00 pm EST.

Candace sent out a request to the OSF team leaders list about holding other IRC sessions for other committees and project teams, but has not had any responses yet. Brian Cesar updated his IRC Procedure Guide (at and added a new IRC Schedule page that lists currently scheduled IRC meetings for ASI teams. You can get to the schedule page from the Real-Time meetings page or the IRC Procedure Guide on the ASI web site.


Doug Cross continued collecting daily web logs for building a database of ASI web traffic.

1996 ECTC Status Reports

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