This procedure guide explains how to create, review, modify, and publish documents. The procedures listed here apply to all parts of the Artemis Project. This includes the Artemis Data Book, all committees (technical and non-technical), all other committee procedure guides, and any other information published on the Artemis Project web site. It also references a basic style guide for you to follow when creating documents for the Artemis Project. The style guide is meant mainly to provide general guidelines for publishing documents. You don't need to use every single style specified. The idea is to provide a consistent look and feel for Artemis Project documents.
Members of the Artemis Electronic Communications Technical Committee (ECTC) will handle the job of setting up the communications services for individual committees and discussion groups, but once those services are in place each committee or discussion group will be responsible for managing and maintaining their use of the services. This includes web documents.
As the Artemis Project communication environment evolves, this procedure guide will be updated from time to time. So it's a good idea to check it regularly.
The Artemis Web Site is the primary source of information about the Artemis Project and the Artemis Society. Each technical committee or discussion group should have documents on the Artemis web site that describe that committee or discussion group, provide information about joining the committee or discussion group, and share completed and in-progress work being done. To make it easy for people to join a committee or volunteer for specific tasks, you can set up web forms to automatically send e-mail to someone on the committee. Committees can also include current membership information and current project information on the documents as well. For an example of some committee documents, look at the ECTC Web Page.
The Artemis Society uses WebSite Director (WSD) from CyberTeams to handle the entire publication process for all documents posted to the Artemis Project web site. This process includes includes the following steps:
Note: You need to be a member of Artemis Society International to get an account in the web management system. Non-members, or those who don't have good access to the World Wide Web, may send documents to a member who has an account. Of course, we strongly encourage you to join the Society if you possibly can; just follow the link above to find out how to join.
At each step, WSD provides tools for cycling the document back to the author or the ASI Web Team.
Writing the initial draft of a document involves designing, writing, inserting links, and submitting the document, or documents, to the web team for review. When creating a document, use the Web Document Style Guide for reference. You can either send ASCII text about your document to the ASI Web Site Management System, or you can create the actual document yourself using an HTML editor, then submit it to the ASI Web Site Management System. If you create your own web page, make sure it conforms to the ASI style guide as much as possible, and use the ADB Document Template to insure a consistent format.
If you send ASCII text, include the following information about your document:
Once you complete your document, submit it to the ASI Web Management System, either by email at submit-doc@asi.org or through WSD. Someone from the ASI Web Team will review your document and process it to the Initial Entry stage. The person(s) reviewing your document varies, depending on which committee you're on and the content of your document. The review time can also vary for the same reasons.
After you make any technical corrections needed to your document, the document is passed along via WSD to the Web Formatting stage. To keep documents from accumulating at any stage, WSD regularly e-mails reminders to all ASI Web Team members of what documents are in which approval stages.
This step involves creating the HTML version of your document. Once your document is reviewed and corrected, the ASI Web Team converts the document content to HTML format for editing and final review by the ASI Board of Directors. The current version of the ADB Document Template should be used to ensure a consistent format throughout the Artemis Data Book. Web formatting may take some time, depending on your document's content and work schedules of the ASI Web Team members building your document.
If you've already created the HTML version of your page, it goes to the editing stage after a Web Team member reviews it for correct HTML usage.
After HTML formatting is completed, the ASI Editorial Staff does an editorial review. In this review, our editors review your document and post their comments in the Comments file that WSD keeps for each document. You can check this file for any comments, questions, or suggestions that reviewers have. The editors make sure that your document meets the general document styles outlined in this procedure guide. This verifies that the document's original intent and that the logical flow has been preserved through the editing process. The document then goes to the Final Review stage in WSD, where the ASI Board of Directors reviews the document for final approval.
The ASI Board of Directors has the FINAL say on all documents published at the ASI Web Site. At this point, a Board of Directors member reviews your document with its final corrections. Or the Board of Directors delegates someone on the appropriate committee to do the final review and make his/her recommendations to the Board. Once the board makes its decision, the ASI Web Team records those comments to the document's comments file. At this point, make sure you carefully review the comments file that WSD keeps, and make sure that all comments have been addressed. Once done, the ASI Web Team approves your document for publishing.
Using WSD's Publish feature, the ASI Web Team publishes your just-approved document to the ASI Web Site in the appropriate directory. For example, if you're on the ECTC and your page deals with ECTC issues, your document is published in the ECTC directory.
The Artemis World Wide Web Conversation Pages are not yet implemented. Once they are, the conversation pages will be a set of documents that provide full access to the discussions going on in the various mailing lists of the Artemis Project. You will be able to read previous mailing list messages from these documents and you will be able to submit new messages to the mailing lists from the convenience of a web form. We're also currently evaluating IRC on the web for realtime online conversations/meetings. We'll keep you posted of the latest changes.
To find out what's going on and how you can help implement this capability, check out the Web Server section of the ECTC Task List.