January 1996 ECTC Status Report
As the first full month of existence for the new Artemis
Communications Technical Committee, January was an extremely busy month for
the ECTC. The highlight of the month (or lowlight, as it turned out) was
the major snafu on the ASI web server, when our current ISP decided to move
the asi.org domain to a different machine. All of the mail processing on
the server was shut down for most of the last week of January, and although
the web site remained operational, it ran on autopilot since all of the
accounts on the server were disabled. At the end of the month, most of the
services we depend on were at least limping along, but we're still cleaning
up the mess. Because of this mess, the primary action item for the ECTC in
February is finding a new home for the asi.org and tlrc.com domains, using
an ISP that can better support our needs.
Despite the web server troubles, the ASI web site got a significant
facelift in January. A lot of information about the new ECTC and the plans
for improving the Artemis electronic communications environment were put on
the web site as a collection of web pages. Follow the communication link
from the Artemis home page
at http://www.asi.org/ and you will find an
of the planned communications infrastructure and information about
each individual area of communications. You will also find a
description and membership list
of the ECTC, and the latest version of the ECTC
Task List, along with
ongoing discussions and information
about the work that is
currently in progress. Although a lot of work is now going on in many
areas, we are always looking for additional help, so if you are interested
in joining the ECTC you can now sign up using
forms on the ASI web pages.
One change that should be noted is that the address for the ECTC
mailing list has been changed. To conform to the new mailing list
naming conventions for Artemis lists, the ECTC mailing list is now
called "asi-ecomm@asi.org".
The original address will work for some
time, automatically forwarding mail to the new list, but you should
start using the new list address immediately.
Here is the latest status information from the individual work areas
within the ECTC:
Help Desk
Nanci Brasket is currently the sole member of the Artemis Help Desk,
manning the Artemis Comm & Info Center. Several discussions took place
during the month about putting in place an automated help desk environment
to handle an increased volume of questions in the future. Those design
ideas were put on the
ASI web site, but we are still looking for volunteers to research this
area further.
Listserver Mailing Lists
Greg Bennett wrote up the
master list of mailing lists and newsgroups
for all Artemis activities, which is now posted on the ASI web site. Dana
Carson set up a new mailing list for the new Web maintenance team and
changed the name of the ECTC mailing list. Randall Severy began research
into mailing list server software to select which one would be best for
the Artemis mailing lists.
World Wide Web Server
Greg Bennett updated the draft copy of the ASI
Internet Site Design
document, which is available on the ASI web site. Greg Bennett, Randall
Severy, Simon Rowland, Nanci Brasket, Dana Carson, and several others have
updated and created numerous web pages on the ASI web site. A new team,
the Artemis Web Maintenance Team, was formed to handle updating and
maintaining the Artemis web site. Led by Dana Carson, the Artemis
Webmaster, the team is responsible for receiving web page updates and new
contributions from other Artemis members, reformatting the documents to
match the style of the ASI web site, and updating the web server with the
new documents. If you have updates to any ASI web pages, or have some new
documents that should be put on the web server, either as text or HTML
documents, send them to the Web team at
<asi-web@asi.org> and they will be
put on the web server.
WWW Conversation Pages
Some initial research into software that will support WWW conversation
pages was done, and is available on the
ASI web site, but no further
work has yet been done in this area.
Usenet newsgroups
Dale Amon has begun research into creating a new newsgroup hierarchy
for the Artemis project. The latest consensus is that putting the artemis
newsgroups under sci.space would be too unwieldly for what we need, so the
latest plan is to create a new artemis.* hierarchy. Dale has begun talking
to several news administrators about carrying the new hierarchy and has put
together a draft structure of the new hierarchy. Randall Severy did some
initial research into software that will support automated mailing list to
newsgroup gateways, and the results are available on the
ASI web site, but
a lot more work still needs to be done in that area.
On-line services
Nanci Brasket created a web page
on the ASI web site that describes
the Artemis presence on GEnie. We hope to have similar pages for the
other on-line services soon. Candace Dicks talked to some sysops on
America OnLine about setting up an Artemis "message board". MB talked
to some people on MSN about setting up an Artemis presence there. Since
MB is leaving MSN, he has turned over the information he gathered to the
new Artemis rep on MSN, Doug Cross.
Bulletin Boards
David Brummel is working on putting together an overview of how his
mailing list to BBS system works and how FidoNet and BBSs work as well.
That document will be posted on the ASI web site as soon as it is
Real-time Meetings
Some discussions took place early in the month about the different
environments available for real-time meetings, and those discussions are
posted on the ASI web site. Beyond that, nothing has been done in this
area, and we are still looking for volunteers to do additional research.
Tom Hopper is working on an Electronic Communication FAQ, and that
document will be posted on the ASI web site as soon as it is ready.
ASI W9800582r1.3.
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Randall Severy.
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Updated Sat, May 8, 2004.