Artemis Project Web Site
Section 9.4.1.
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What's New on the Artemis Project Web (Design)

Except for this text in blue, this document an example of how we want the What's New web page to look. We need to make these changes before we can add a "What's New" link to the standard navigation aids on the Artemis Project web.

The key changes include:

  1. Display linked section numbers and document titles instead of just file names.
  2. If nothing changed on a given day, don't output anything.
  3. Use the WebSite Director document templates so that the What's New list has the same appearance as the rest of the Artemis Project web.
  4. Don't use big black bullets in the list. Instead of an unordered list, use block quotes and tables to control the formatting.
  5. Don't abbreviate the names of days or months, and don't output the time in the middle of the date.
  6. Use specific formatting rather than header tags to control the format of the internal subtitles
  7. Include a note that tells whether a document was added or modified.
  8. Don't output horizontal rules between days.
  9. Use a list of files and whole directories to be excluded from the What's New list. We need to be able to update the list with the normal WebSite Director process flow, so read it from a text file in /util/ or /whatsnew/. That list would include these files, among others:
  10. Set the Author to "Whatsnew" and Maintainer to "WebSite Director"
  11. Limit the output to no more than 40 documents listed for any single day, and limit the total size of the output file to 50K. This accommodates massive updates. Otherwise, let the list grow to encompass all changes made in the previous 14 days. If the number of files changed on a single day exceeds the limit, add a note at the end of the list for that day: ... and many others.

For the sake of laziness, the example below lists exactly the same files for each of three days in the history of the Artemis Project's conquest of the moon.

What's New on the Artemis Project Web (Design)

This is a list of resources which have changed on the Artemis Project web in the past few days. This list is automatically updated once a day, just after midnight U.S. Eastern time. Some of the resources may still be in development, so expect some errors.

Friday, July 30, 1999

Section Change Document Title
M.4.1. Modify Introduction to Lunar Craters
5.4.2. Modify Repairing Satellites
5.4.2. Modify The Financial Feasibilty of Comsat Repair
6.9.4. Add NASA Requests Help from Amateur Astronomers Modify Fermi Paradox - Continuing the Discussion

Thursday, July 29, 1999

Section Change Document Title
M.4.1. Modify Introduction to Lunar Craters
5.4.2. Modify Repairing Satellites
5.4.2. Modify The Financial Feasibilty of Comsat Repair
6.9.4. Add NASA Requests Help from Amateur Astronomers Modify Fermi Paradox - Continuing the Discussion

Wednesday, July 28, 1999

Section Change Document Title
M.4.1. Modify Introduction to Lunar Craters
5.4.2. Modify Repairing Satellites
5.4.2. Modify The Financial Feasibilty of Comsat Repair
6.9.4. Add NASA Requests Help from Amateur Astronomers Modify Fermi Paradox - Continuing the Discussion

Artemis Project Web Site

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ASI W9900349r1.0. Copyright © 2007 Artemis Society International, for the contributors. All rights reserved.
This web site contains many trade names and copyrighted articles and images. Refer to the copyright page for terms of use.
Author: Gregory Bennett. Maintained by ASI Web Team <>.
Submit update to this page. Maintained with WebSite Director. Updated Fri, Jul 30, 1999.