Tom Hopper is working on an Electronic Communication FAQ, and that
document will be posted on the ASI web site as soon as it is ready.
February 1996
Joe Strout put together a first draft of a "What's going on in ASI" web
page, but is still waiting for submissions to put on the page. He sent an
initial request for contributions to the artemis-list mailing list, but the
responses were underwhelming (Come on, folks, doesn't *anyone* have any
news to report?).
March 1996
No progress to report this month.
April 1996
Tom Hopper worked on a basic outline for the EC FAQ.
May 1996
A discussion took place within the ECTC early in the month about
collecting historical and statistical records about the Artemis Project
electronic communications infrastructure. That discussion led to the
creation of a new ECTC task to establish a database for those records.
Doug Cross promptly volunteered to set up such a task and started a
follow-up discussion to identify exactly which pieces of information to
keep track of.
June 1996
Doug Cross started collecting usage data from the ASI web site for a
database that will be able to provide historical and statistical records
about the Artemis Project electronic communications infrastructure.