March ECTC Status Report
by Randall Severy <>
March was another quiet month for the Electronic Communications
Technical Committee, with a lot of activity going on behind the scenes.
The ASI mailing lists kept Bobby Will, the ASI Listmaster, very busy
as several lists needed address changes for the list owners and Bobby
began preparing many of the lists for migrating into Team Director.
Team Director received several updates to support ASI membership processing,
including a new report that looks up member addresses in the USPS database and a new user preference for managing member information.
Greg Bennett led efforts to establish a "Lunar Underground
Web Ring" linking numerous Moon-related web sites together and continued efforts
to spread the ASI banner throughout the Internet. Greg remained
on center stage at the weekly IRC "Open Forum" discussions as many new and existing
members stopped by to talk with Greg and other ASI members. If
you would like to join in those discussions, just stop by the #artemis channel
on on any Saturday afternoon at 4:00 PM Central Time.
The ECTC grew by one member in March, with the addition of Tom
You can find the complete ECTC membership listing at . As always, there is
still a lot of room for new volunteers for ECTC tasks. If you would like
to join the ECTC and help with any of those tasks, you can use the form on the
ECTC task list page at .
Here is the latest status information from the individual work
areas within the ECTC:
Membership Support
The Team Director membership system saw a lot of activity in March
as 18 ASI members signed up for accounts. Bobby Will set up
welcome messages in Team Director for all of the ASI mailing lists in preparation
for migrating the lists into Team Director. Greg Bennett updated
the new member welcome message in Team Director and a problem with updating
membership info was fixed.
Mark Sumner is continuing to collect
additional news articles for the ASI Online News pages and a periodic ASI Newsletter. If you have
any news items to submit, please send them to Mark at "".
Help Desk
Nanci's sister, Dawna, continued manning the Communications and
Information Center in Nanci's absence.
Electronic Mailing Lists
Activity on several of the ASI mailings lists continued
the high volume trend from last month, especially the artemis-list general discussion
list. The ASI Leadership Council list and the new ASI Outreach Committee
list also were very active. Bobby Will dealt with several problems
with list owner aliases, but ran into numerous delays getting responses from
IO about the problems. Bobby also corrected a problem with the mailing
list archives which, due to an IO configuration error, were visible to
the entire world through IO's web server.
World Wide Web Server
The Artemis Project web site continued to grow at a steady pace,
with a total of 157 updates published to the site in March, including 57
new documents, 79 modifications to existing documents, 2 deleted documents,
17 moved documents, and 2 renamed documents. The latest updates
bring the total number of documents on the web site to 2427 HTML documents and
the number of GIF and JPEG images increased to a total of 1105 images.
Most of the work in editing and approving the updates was done by John Peel,
John Wertz, Gregory Bennett, Jim Sealy Jr., Aaron Gilliland, Rhoda Bryant,
Candace Bartleson, Randall Severy, Thomas Hopper, Tom Merkle, and Luanne
Jorewicz. Updates were also submitted by Boise Pearson, Richard Perry,
Robert Dahlquist, Predrag Lezaic, Wayne Pierce, Steve Andreadis, and
Mark Sumner.
Greg Bennett established the "Lunar Underground" Web Ring and
encouraged other ASI members to contact webmasters of other Moon-related
sites about joining the web ring Greg also set up a private
area of the web site known as "Room L" at that is accessible
only to ASI members. Greg also continued the campaign to set up the
Artemis Project banner on numerous other web sites throughout the Internet.
WWW Conversation Pages
No progress to report this month.
Usenet newsgroups
No progress to report this month.
Online Services
No progress to report this month.
Real-time Meetings
The March ECTC IRC meeting was held on March 7th
and was another productive (and long!) meeting. A total of 10 people showed
up for some or all of the meeting and discussed a variety of ECTC projects, including
submitting the Artemis Project web site to various Internet search
engines, the overall design of the web site, and maintaining historical
communications records for the Artemis Project. Several Web Team
projects had a lot of discussion, including the ongoing Missing Links project
and the Moon Miners Manifesto archives.
At the March ECTC IRC Meeting, Greg Lynn volunteered to begin
collecting historical records relating to the communications environment
of the Artemis Project. These records will include key dates in
the Artemis Project such as the creation of the project web site and the first
ASI mailing list as well as statistical records showing the growth of the
web site, mailing lists, and other communications forums of the project.
ASI W9900173r1.0.
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Updated Sat, Apr 17, 1999.