1999 ECTC Status Reports
Section 9.1.1999.
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January ECTC Status Report

by Randall Severy

The Electronic Communications Technical Committee started off 1999 on a somewhat sluggish note. The number of updates to the Artemis Project web site returned to a more normal level this month, however. The new Team Director product managing the ASI membership database got a major workout in January when the ECTC began using it in initial trials. The commercial release of TeamWSD Lite, the software that maintains the private directories on the Artemis Project web site, was completed in January and installed on the site. And David Lundeen completed the ADB Outline project.

The new weekly IRC "Open Forum" discussions with Greg Bennett got off to a good start in January, with five such meetings now held to date. These discussions take place every Saturday afternoon at 4:00 PM Central Time. Greg and other ASI members will try to be on the #artemis channel on at that time to discuss the Artemis Project with anyone who visits. If you would like to join in the discussions, just stop by the IRC server on Saturday afternoons.

The ECTC grew by two members in January, with the addition of Jim Sealy Jr. and Karim Sharif. The total membership in the ECTC will shrink by over half in February, however, as the new ASI membership requirement is put in place and managed by Team Director. Barring any last minute membership signups, the ECTC will include 39 members in February, down from a high of 82 members. During the past month, however, 10 ECTC members have joined ASI or renewed their ASI membership to remain in the ECTC, bringing much needed funds to ASI. Starting in February the ASI membership requirement will begin to be implemented in the other ASI technical committees and project teams, so if you are not currently an ASI member, now is the time to join or renew your membership!

You can find the complete ECTC membership listing at . As always, there is still a lot of room for new volunteers for ECTC tasks. If you would like to join the ECTC and help with any of those tasks, you can use the form on the ECTC task list page at .

Here is the latest status information from the individual work areas within the ECTC:

Membership Support

The Team Director membership system started a trial period within the ECTC in early January, taking over management of the ECTC mailing list. During the month, ECTC members put the software through its paces. In early February a new version of the software will be installed with improvements based on feedback from the ECTC and will go into production mode managing the ECTC team membership. Over the next few months, other ASI technical committees and project teams will be set up in Team Director.

Several news articles were posted to the ASI Online News section of the Artemis Project web site in January. Mark Sumner is continuing to collect news articles for the ASI Online News pages and a periodic ASI Newsletter. If you have any news items to submit, please send them to Mark at "".

Help Desk

Nanci's sister, Dawna, has taken over the Artemis Project Communications and Information Center while Nanci isn't feeling well. Dawna will be answering all mail sent to

Electronic Mailing Lists

Several of the ASI mailing lists changed ownership this past month and the asi-isdc mailing list was reconfigured to be used in planning an ASI presence at the upcoming ISDC 99 conference in Houston.

World Wide Web Server

Updates to the Artemis Project web site returned to a normal level this past month, from the very low volume in December. During January a total of 83 updates were published to the Artemis Project web site, including 37 new documents, 43 modifications to existing documents, 1 deleted document, 1 moved document, and 1 renamed document. The latest updates bring the total number of documents on the web site to 2320 HTML documents and the number of GIF and JPEG images increased to a total of 1022 images. Most of the work in editing and approving the updates was done by John Wertz, Leah Simpson, Gregory Bennett, Randall Severy, Luanne Jorewicz, Richard Perry, Candace Dicks, and Brad Ackerman. Updates were also submitted by Mark Sumner and Tim Cadell.

After several months of beta testing on the Artemis Project web site, the TeamWSD Lite product was commercially released in the middle of January. TeamWSD Lite manages the private directories on the web site and provides a central administration interface for all of the private directories.

David Lundeen completed his ADB outline generator program in January. The program went through several updates last month as Greg Bennett and John Wertz provided feedback on the formatting and content of the pages generated by the program. In early February the program will be set up on the Artemis Project web site and configured to run automatically every night to update the ADB outline web pages.

WWW Conversation Pages

No progress to report this month.

Usenet newsgroups

No progress to report this month.

Online Services

Our formal presence on CompuServe came to an end this past month, when Vik Olliver closed his account on CompuServe.

Real-time Meetings

January was another very busy month for IRC activity, continuing the trend started in December. The new "Open Forum" discussions on Saturday afternoons have been very effective, with a lot of new visitors stopping by the #artemis channel on the SuperLink IRC server to find out what the Artemis Project is all about. In addition to helping people learn about the Artemis Project, the forums have been very useful as a place for existing ASI members to get together to work on projects in between formal monthly meetings. Everyone is invited to stop by the #artemis channel on irc.superlink net at 4 pm Central Time on Saturdays to meet and talk with other ASI members.

The January ECTC IRC meeting was another effective meeting, with a lot of progress made on key projects. A total of 8 people showed up for some or all of the meeting. The first hour of the meeting was devoted to getting everyone up to speed on the new Team Director software, as meeting attendees tried out the system for the first time. During the rest of the meeting the key topics discussed included the new ADB outline pages, the Web Site Tour, and several of the Web Team projects. A lengthy discussion took place on updates to the web site index templates proposed by John Wertz.


No progress to report this month.

1999 ECTC Status Reports

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