1998 ECTC Status Reports
Section 9.1.1998.
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July & August 1998 ECTC Status Report

July and August repeated the pattern set last summer for the Electronic Communications Technical Committee, as activity all but stopped. Due to the lack of activity, no status report was written in August and no IRC meeting was held. This combined status report will therefore cover what few activities took place in July and August.

After last summer, the ECTC got back into high gear in September 1997 with a fresh start on the ECTC task list and new volunteers for many of those tasks. We hope to repeat that experience this year, with a revived focus on many key ECTC tasks starting this September. The "New and Improved" ECTC will debut with the September ECTC IRC meeting, to be held on Sunday, September 13 at 7:00 pm ET on the "#ectc" channel on If you are not a member of the ECTC but might be interested in helping to build the electronic communication infrastructure of the Artemis Project, please come to the meeting and find out where you can help (no prior experience is required).

The ECTC membership count remained the same at the end of August as it was in June, with three new members replacing three departing members. Carlos Ramirez Sarabia, Wayne Pierce, and Patrick Russell joined the ECTC in July and August, while Jay Buie, Renee Gioja, and Tim Cadell left the team when e-mail to them started bouncing. At the end of August, the ECTC had 27 active members, with another 51 people in the Observer or Rep categories. The complete ECTC membership listing, including ICQ numbers, is on line. As always, there is still a lot of room for new volunteers for ECTC tasks. If you would like to join the ECTC and help with any of those tasks, you can use the form on the ECTC task list page.

Here is the latest status information from the individual work areas within the ECTC:

Help Desk

Nanci Brasket continued manning the Comm and Info Center.

Listserver Mailing Lists

E-mail traffic on the main artemis-list mailing list continued at a steady pace most of the summer. There were no configuration changes needed for any of the ASI lists during the past month.

World Wide Web Server

The ASI web site was about the only area of the ECTC that saw continued activity during the summer. During July and August, a total of 255 updates were published to the ASI web site, including 27 new documents, 174 modifications to existing documents, 33 deleted documents, and 21 moved documents. The latest updates bring the total number of documents on the ASI web site to 2264 HTML documents and 1043 GIF and JPEG images. Most of the work in editing and approving the updates was done by Greg Bennett, Candace Dicks, John Wertz, Olaf van der Zalm, Richard Perry, Paul Blase, Luanne Jorewicz, Simon Rowland, Brad Ackerman, Leah Simpson, Tim Cadell, Patrick Collier, and Ian Randal Strock. Additional document submissions were made by Thomas Hopper, Predrag Lezaic, and John Kruep.

WWW Conversation Pages

No progress to report this month.

Usenet newsgroups

No progress to report this month.

Online Services

No progress to report this month.

Real-time Meetings

The July ECTC IRC meeting was held on July 12, but did not have enough attendees to have a useful meeting. Four people attended the meeting, which was held one week later than usual to avoid the holiday weekend.


No progress to report this month.

1998 ECTC Status Reports

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Submit update to this page. Maintained with WebSite Director. Updated Sat, Nov 28, 1998.