1996 ECTC Status Reports
Section 9.1.1996.
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March 1996 ECTC Status Report

The Electronic Communications Technical Committee had another slow month in March, as the wait for moving the domain to a new ISP stretched into a second month. Several new mailing lists were requested, but they are on hold until the move occurs, along with other services that are in the works. As this status report is being written, there are new indications that the move is imminent, so we should have an update in that area in the near future.

There have been a few minor changes in the membership of the ECTC this month. Pat Bennett has left her observer role in the ECTC to focus her efforts on other parts of the Artemis Project. Tom Hopper has closed down his GEnie account, so his e-mail address has changed to "". As always, we are continuing to look for additional ECTC members to help with the growing workload the committee has to deal with. Check out the ECTC task list on the ASI web site ( and please sign up for anything that interests you. Feel free to sign up for tasks that already have people working on them, many of the ECTC members are extremely busy and can always use help.

And now, here is the latest status information from the individual work areas within the ECTC:

Help Desk

Nanci Brasket answered numerous questions directed to the Comm and Info Center. Nanci also added five new images to the ASI image library and edited a large number of new ADB web pages.

Listserver Mailing Lists

Three new mailing lists have been requested, one to handle business-related discussions, another to handle the CD-ROM business discussions that have been going on recently, and a third to support the new Lunar Outpost Advance Planning Technical Committee. If the ASI Domain move takes place soon, those three lists will be set up on the new site, otherwise they will be set up on the current site in the near future.

World Wide Web Server

The Artemis Data Book (ADB) on the ASI web server had a large amount of new content added this month. Simon Rowland has spent the last few months digging through the archives of the artemis-list mailing list and many of the past discussions are now summarized on ADB web pages, thanks to Simon. Simon has also started an effort to gather more ADB material from the Artemis community, so the ADB should continue to grow at a fast rate in the near future.

Two new tasks were added to the Web Server section of the ECTC task list this month. The first task is a result of some recent private discussions on overhauling the ASI web server home page to provide a better "front door" to the project that attracts and retains visitors to the site. No one has stepped forward yet to volunteer for this task, so if you have some good graphics and layout design skills, please step forward! The second task is for someone to coordinate the layout and content of the Artemis Data Book on the ASI web site. As a major contributor to the ADB, Simon Rowland was a natural fit for the role, and fortunately he volunteered for the task immediately.

WWW Conversation Pages

No progress to report this month.

Usenet newsgroups

No progress to report this month.

On-line services

Vik Olliver received some information from the local contact for CompuServe about establishing a forum for the Artemis Project on CompuServe. A discussion about those options then occurred on the ECTC mailing list, but no plans were finalized so there has been little progress beyond the initial discussion. Candace Dicks has asked for someone else to take over the role of coordinating the Artemis presence on America OnLine now that she is very busy as the Administrator of the Office of Space Flight Technical Council. If any of you have access to AOL and would be interested in coordinating our efforts to provide Artemis Project information on AOL, let me know.

Bulletin Boards

No progress to report this month.

Real-time Meetings

No progress to report this month.


No progress to report this month.

1996 ECTC Status Reports

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