1996 ECTC Status Reports
Section 9.1.1996.
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July 1996 ECTC Status Report

The month of July was a solid, if not spectacular, month of progress for the Electronic Communications Technical Committee. Several new tasks were started but none were finished, including the now infamous move of the domain to a new ISP. A significant amount of progress was made on the move, however, and it looks close enough that I can say with some confidence that next month's status report should include a report on the completion of the move. Other ECTC activities slowed somewhat as the summer doldrums crept in and people starting going on summer vacations.

For the first time since the founding of the ECTC, the committee did not add any new members this past month, but in a continuing reshuffling of the mailing list Rick Bier and Candace Dicks changed their e-mail addresses. Although they were already active members of the ECTC, Marvin Ostrega and Simon Rowland also added the role of "Rep" to their efforts, with Simon representing the Planetary Mission Support Technical Committee and Marvin acting as liason to the Solar Power Committee and Recreation and Tourism Committee. As always, you can find the complete ECTC membership listing at

There was a new task added to the ECTC task list this month, in the Help Desk area. Help Desk Task #6 is titled "Develop and Maintain New Volunteer Interview System" and the result of the task will be an interview in a web form or set of web forms that will ask a new visitor to the web site a list of questions about their interests, skills, background, and experience. A CGI script run by the form will match up the answers to the interview with a large cross-reference table that will produce a set of recommendations for areas in the Artemis Project in which that person may want to volunteer their efforts. Candace Dicks and Simon Rowland volunteered to take on that task, but there is still room for additional help. Another task on the ECTC task list finally received a volunteer as Brad Ackerman agreed to look into a secure system for credit card ordering as part of Miscellaneous task #4. As always, however, there is still more work in the ECTC than we have people to do the work, so if you would like to join the ECTC and help out, please check the ECTC task list on the ASI web site at and sign up for anything that interests you, even if there are already names listed for the task.

Here is the latest status information from the individual work areas within the ECTC:

Help Desk

Nanci Brasket continued answering questions directed to the Comm and Info Center. Nanci added 49 new or updated web pages to the ASI web site and added seven new images to the image library. Candace Dicks started working on the new Volunteer Interview System task and came up with some initial ideas for topics for the interview.

Listserver Mailing Lists

Three new lists were added to the growing collection of ASI mailing lists. The Lunar Science Technical Committee now has it's own list, art-science. The Solar Power Technical Committee can be found on the new art-solar list and the Recreation and Tourism Technical Committee hangs out on the new art-tourism list. The complete list of ASI mailing lists can be found at

World Wide Web Server

Simon Rowland continued to add significant quantities of new content to the Artemis Data Book (ADB), now with the assistance of Marvin Ostrega. Greg made some small progress on the Tour pages for the ASI web server, but is still trying to get caught up from other activities before continuing. John Peel wrote the first two drafts of his ASI Web Pages Procedure Guide, which were posted on the ASI web site and reviewed by the ECTC. Randall Severy continued work on the ASI Web Management System. Dale Amon laid out a set of options for a domain structure for the ASI mirror sites and continued preparations for a European mirror site.

WWW Conversation Pages

Brad Ackerman continues to wait for the move before installing the HyperNews system to provide the web conversation pages.

Usenet newsgroups

No progress to report this month.

On-line services

Vik contacted someone on CompuServe who writes a monthly summary of space news and gave him some information on the Artemis Project and asked about redistributing his newsletter. Chris Eason continued the classes on setting up forums on America OnLine and is putting together an Artemis proposal for the OMNI forum on AOL.

Bulletin Boards

Marvin Ostrega passed on some contact information to David Brummel and Jim Nobles for additional BBS feeds for the ASI mailing lists.

Real-time Meetings

Brian Cesar wrote a first draft of the IRC procedure guide and submitted it to the ASI web team for formatting and review.


Brad Ackerman started research on SSL and ecash for a secure payment system for online catalog ordering.

1996 ECTC Status Reports

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