1996 ECTC Status Reports
Section 9.1.1996.
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August 1996 ECTC Status Report

By all counts August was by far the busiest month ever for the Electronic Communications Technical Committee. The move of the domain was completed this past month, but with a lot more chaos than had originally been planned. Early in the month we had finished drafting the contract with IO, our new ISP, and on August 19th IO signed the contract. The plans for an orderly move were shattered, however, when on that same day we learned that four days later, on Friday, August 23, the URL of the ASI web site would be plastered all over the television screens of England when an episode of Future Fantastic on the BBC, featuring a segment on the Artemis Project taped at Artemis '96 in Houston, was aired.

The news of the broadcast forced a mad rush to complete the move in enough time to have the web site moved and stable in time for the broadcast. With the InterNIC updating their domain name database in record time, we managed to get the web site moved and up and running with ten minutes to spare before the broadcast! If moving the site wasn't enough chaos, plans were going on simultaneously to hold the first ever Artemis IRC conference concurrently with the BBC broadcast. Dale Amon, and his company, the Genesis Project, sponsored an IRC channel on the DALnet IRC network to provide a place where viewers of the BBC broadcast could stop by and ask questions of ASI members. Information about the IRC channel was posted on the BBC's web site and on the ASI web site. Greg Bennett, Simon Rowland, Dale Amon, Richard Perry, Dana Carson, Randall Severy, and several other ASI members signed on to the IRC channel for periods of time over the following weekend to talk to current and potential ASI members. By most accounts the IRC conference was a success, with up to a dozen people logged on at various times, and it generated a flood of new members for the ASI UK chapter.

The move of the ASI domain is almost complete. There are a variety of clean-up tasks that still need to be done to get everything back to normal, but efforts are underway to finish those up as soon as possible. With the completion of the move, the ECTC is finally in a position to implement many of the remaining electronic communication services that have been discussed for the last 10 months. You can expect to see a variety of announcements about new services that will be available to ASI in the next few months. One of the key new services already being implemented is the use of the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) environment for holding real-time meetings. Following the success of the first IRC conference on the DALnet network, the ECTC will be holding its first committee meeting on a new ASI IRC server on September 1, starting a continuing series of monthly IRC meetings for the ECTC. Based on the experiences gained from this first meeting, we expect to see other ASI technical committees and project teams start using IRC for team meetings as well.

The ECTC added several new members this month, all in the observer category. James Leveque, Bob Smither, Georges Grenon, and Brian Jurkowski all joined the ECTC this past month. As always, you can find the complete ECTC membership listing at There were no new tasks added to the ECTC task list this month, but with the completion of the move there should be a lot of progress soon in many of the existing tasks. As always, if you would like to join the ECTC and help out, please check the ECTC task list on the ASI web site at and sign up for anything that interests you, even if there are already names listed for the task.

Here is the latest status information from the individual work areas within the ECTC:

Help Desk

Nanci Brasket continued answering questions directed to the Comm and Info Center. Nanci edited 51 new or updated web pages but was only able to upload a third of those due to permission problems on the new ASI web site. Tim Cadell volunteered to help Candace and Simon with the new Volunteer Interview System task. Candace wrote up some proposed questions for the interview form.

Listserver Mailing Lists

As part of the move of to IO, all of the ASI mailing lists were recreated using the Majordomo mailing list manager on IO. As part of the move, the art-ssto mailing list was renamed "art-femts" (Future Earth-Moon Transportation Systems). Instead of the "join" and "leave" commands used by the old mailing list system, Majordomo uses "subscribe" and "unsubscribe", and those commands are now sent to "". The complete list of ASI mailing lists can be found at

World Wide Web Server

The big news in this area is the completion of the move of the domain to IO's servers. Dana Carson moved all of the web pages on the site and is working on setting up the whatsnew engine on the new site and reconfiguring the file permissions on the new site. Simon Rowland continued making large updates to the web site, although many of the updates from the last week of the month are still waiting to be loaded onto the site due to permission problems left over from the move.

WWW Conversation Pages

Now that the move is complete, the installation of HyperNews should start soon, so there should be new information available on the web conversation pages in the near future.

Usenet newsgroups

No progress to report this month.

On-line services

Vik began redistributing a space newsletter from CompuServe.

Bulletin Boards

No progress to report this month.

Real-time Meetings

There was an enormous amount of progress in this area due to the unexpected IRC conference held in conjunction with the BBC broadcast. Brian Cesar's IRC procedure guide was rapidly polished up and placed on the ASI web site and additional information was added to the site to provide directions for joining the BBC IRC conference. Candace Dicks reformatted Brian's procedure guide in HTML for posting on the web site. Dale Amon coordinated the setting up of an IRC channel on the DALnet network for the BBC broadcast and made arrangements with the BBC to include references on their web site to the IRC channel and the ASI web site. Randall Severy set up an IRC server in the ASI domain and scheduled the first of a monthly series of meetings of the ECTC on that server.


Brad Ackerman continued research on SSL and ecash for a secure payment system for online catalog ordering. Doug Cross continued collecting daily web logs for building a database of ASI web traffic.

1996 ECTC Status Reports

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