These companies sponsor Artemis Society International through donation of money and resources. Society sponsors are not necessarily sponsors of the commercial Artemis Project programs, though most are. For information about Artemis Project Commercial Sponsors and Program Participants see section 10.
The Lunar Resources Company
The Lunar Resources Company is the founder of Artemis Society International. The company first established the Society as an organization in 1994, and then set up the Society as a non-profit educational and scientific foundation. They provided the initial capital to get the Society on its feet and continue to support the Society through donated use of trademarks, copyrighted material, and executive assistance.All members of The Lunar Resources Company's board of directors and all officers of the corporation are members of Artemis Society International. The company is also a program participant, filling the roll of program integrator for the Artemis Project and dedicated to investing in the space flight programs when the time comes.
CyberTeams donates the use of their entire suite of network communication and web management software to Artemis Society International and provides a host of custom applications at no cost to the Society. CyberTeams also provides the host for the Society's Internet presence, including all the public and private World Wide Web sites, electronic mail resources, and electronic mailing lists.It would be impossible for us to keep a world-wide team communicating efficiently without this valuable donation from CyberTeams. We can say, without fear of successful contradiction, that they are quite simply the best in the business of network-based team communication and web management systems.
CyberTeams is also an Artemis Project program participant, dedicated to investing in the space flight programs. They also offer an attractive sales referral program to members of Artemis Society International.
TransOrbital grew out of Artemis Society International's Microlander Team, and provides valuable publicity and coordination with commercial space flight endeavors.TransOrbital is also a program participant, developing many of the Artemis Project precursor missions and dedicated to investing in the manned space flights when the time comes.
Illuminati Online
Illuminati Online provided web hosting services and electronic mail hosts for the Society for several years. The Society has since moved on to a much larger, faster server with multiple T3 connections one step off two Internet backbone providers, but we fondly remember and appreciate the excellent support and extensive resources that IO provided while we resided on their servers.