Lunar Traders Expands Their On-Line Catalog
Artemis Project program participant Lunar Traders have expanded their on-line catalog with new items in every category. They have added a ton of new books and some new art and they want to tell you all about it. Included in the update are science fiction books like The Ganymede Club, Higher Education, A King Of Infinite Space, and Project Avalon. In the Space and Science Fact section, the additions include:
If that's not enough, Lunar Traders is still offering the hit television series From The Earth To The Moon, starring Tom Hanks, on VHS tape for just $70. And subscriptions and Issue #1 of Artemis Magazine for just $15! If you want to join Artemis Society International or renew your membership you can do it right from the Lunar Traders web site. Check them out at www.LunarTraders.com |