Artemis Magazine Publishes First Issue!
The long awaited Artemis Magazine has finally hit the presses. This result of many years of planning is well worth the wait. Artemis Magazine premiered at Readercon in Waltham, Massachusetts on Saturday July 10th. At the conference the magazine received a universally positive response. Ian Randal Strock the Publisher, Editor, and Art director for Artemis Magazine was quite pleased with this response to his hard work. The premiere issue (Spring 2000, available July 1999), for instance, has a cover by Apollo 12 astronaut Alan Bean, and content by Grand Master Jack Williamson and 20-time Hugo nominee Stanley Schmidt, among others. Subscription copies should be going out in the next week or three. Full commentary on the magazine will be available on the LRC Publications web site. The table of contents and the cover artwork are already online. More will be along soon. And remember, it's not too late to get the first issue as part of your subscription! The Subscription form is available on Lunar Publications web site, or you can subscribe with a credit card at Lunar Traders. |