14 November 1997
Section of the ADB is up and running. This section contains tech reports generated by the Lunar Power Systems Tech Committee. So far, we have one tech report on fiber-optic lighting systems. Several others are in the works, including one on the use of Stirling-cycle heat engines and another on advanced fuel cells.
We have been investigating the launch sites available to us, at this time we project that only 4 are practical: Russia, USA, Japan, French Guiana. We are not checking sites for actual use, that is a different committee, but rather for the difficulty of shipping and support at each site. Truck sizes and clearances were provided to Greg Bennett for use in design of the mockup/display.
Other than that, Simon Rowland has been busy talking to Electric propulsion experts on the possibility of using this type of system for the project. He pointed out a new site that has RL-10, SSME, and other information on hydrogen/oxygen engines.
I (Charles Collier) am currently writing a paper on utilizing fiber-optic sensing systems, with SMA for enhanced sensing capabilities for the review by our committee.
Greg Bennett has suggested that I try to break up the Engine spec list. From some comments, I have read that it is becoming difficult to open onto peoples' browsers. I will endeavor to remedy the situation.
John Kruep received information from me on the Kaiser 900lbf engines he requested. He is going to do a trade study between fuel/oxidizer delivery systems.
Spacecraft Development Project Team and Technical Committees