Moon Miners' Manifesto is published each month, except January and August, by the Lunar Reclamation Society. In January and August, chapter members, ASI members and subscribers receive Moon Miners' Review.
MMM's Vision: "expanding the human economy through off-planet resources"; the early era of heavy reliance on Lunar materials; earliest use of Mars system and asteroidal resources.
MMM's Mission: to encourage "spin-up" entrepreneurial development of the novel technologies needed, and promote the economic-environmental rationale of space/lunar settlement.
The Lunar Reclamation Society is an independently incorporated non-profit membership organization engaged in public education and outreach. LRS is freely associated with the National Space Society for networking purposes, insofar as LRS goals include those of the NSS vision statement. LRS serves as the SE Wisconsin (Milwaukee) chapter of NSS.
Other National Space Society chapters are welcome to join the inter-regional MMM family and participate in our newsletter. For special chapter rates, deadlines, and submission information, please write the Editor, or call (414)-342-0705.
Other, Non-NSS Societies, with a compatible focus, are also welcome to join the MMM family, and offer this newsletter as a membership benefit to their members as well.
All Artemis Society International chapters and members recieve the Moon Miner's Manifesto.
MMM Publication Deadline: Final draft is prepared ASAP after the 20th of each month. Sooner is better!
Preferred mode of submission - in order:
For contributions directly to the Artemis Society section, prefered modes of submission and deadlines for same, see the notice in that section.
Contents of this issue of Moon Miners' Manifesto