ASI W9900389r1.0

Moon Miners' Manifesto

#110 November 1997

Section the Artemis Data Book

Artemis Project to get Major Exposure in Milwaukee at ISDC '98,

May 22-25th, 1998

by Peter Kokh, Chair ISDC '98

What is shaping up as the first general membership conference of Artemis Society International will be "piggybacked" on the National Space Society's 17th Annual International Space Development Conference, to be hosted by ASI's cooperating organization, the Lunar Reclamation Society, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Friday through Monday of next Memorial Day Weekend. LRS, Inc. publishes Moon Miners' Manifesto - Pleiades.

LRS' President, MMM Editor, and ISDC '98 Chair Peter Kokh has offered Greg Bennett (CEO of The Lunar Resources Company and chief architect of the Artemis Project™) and J. Boise Pearson (President of Artemis Society International) as much space and time to present the Artemis story as they are able to use. Here is the initial proposal from Greg Bennett:

• "Your Ticket to the Moon": Artemis Project™ Overview - 1-hr speaker

• Returning to the Moon in Style: Artemis Project™ Reference Mission - 2-hr panel Mission overview (Bennett), Landing site selection - (Kokh), Spacecraft design (Boise Pearson), Getting to LEO, Robotic precursor missions (Lalitesh Katragadda)

• Artemis Project™ Reference Mission 1-hr roundtable discussion (panelists above)

• 2-hr Workshop on Early Lunar Mission Spacecraft for the Artemis Project

• "You Can Make It Happen": Artemis Society International - organization chart: what each element does, what needs to be done, and what opportunities are open for people to participate

• Artemis Society Workshop - planning the work of ASI organizational elements

• Communication for the Moonbase Team: - 2 hrs - Artemis Society Electronic Communication Technical Committee Meeting (Randall Severy)

• The Business of the Moon: Business Opportunities in the Artemis Project: what you can do

• Workshop on the Business of the Moon: Hand out business plan template, workshops for each industry; solid business plans, not just ideas

• "Together, We Will Make it Happen": Panel discussion: why the space enthusiast community can't get their act together; foibles of depending on government to do it; how to rid ourselves of the NIH Syndrome; who's doing what; how we can work together; why we need to work together; overview of all the stuff that's going on

• Series of Workshops Coordinating Space Development: Solving the problems discussed above

• Artemis Society Office of Space Flight Meeting: organization, communication tools, activities, opportunities, needs, purposes, goals

• "Living on the Moon": Speculation on what it will be like to live on the Moon in a Lunan community; picture of Luna City, transportation systems, museums, professions needed in a thriving extraterrestrial community


As the conference date draws near, this "designer program" may change (e.g. according to available speakers and presenters). But ISDC '98 will be an unprecedented opportunity for ASI members to learn more about the project, to get acquainted with Project leaders, and to learn how to get involved themselves.

There will be ample programming on the Moon in addition to that supplied by Artemis. Lunar Prospector should be in orbit around the Moon, looking for ice and other resources, and there will be a live Moonlink™ mission downlink every day. Plus a workshop on painting with lunar materials, the word on the Lunar Economic Development Authority, a workshop on using Earth-based radar to detect near surface lavatubes, and much, much more.

In addition, ISDC '98 will offer presentations, panels, and workshops on all aspects of space exploration and development, some for general audiences, some highly technical. And there will be plenty of fun activities as well.

Many ISDC-goers say the real high comes from the opportunity to "network" with others of shared interests. Taking in an ISDC is a real high, a real shot in the arm to your personal aspirations. So if ever you are to take the plunge, this is the ISDC for you! Decide now. Keep Memorial Day Weekend of '98 open for your trip to Milwaukee!

Registration for Artemis members is only $45, half the regular at-the-door rate. Plus, ISDC '98 has a roommate matchup service (rooms $78, flat), and the vicinity is loaded with fast food restaurants.

If you have talents or abilities that would be helpful either in helping present the Artemis program as outlined above, or in helping put on the ISDC in general< we'd like to hear from you.

For Artemis programming, contact ASI HQ

For ISDC '98 in general, contact Peter Kokh

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Moon Miners' Manifesto is published 10 times a year by the Lunar Reclamation Society for Artemis Society International, several chapters of the National Space Society, and individual subscribers world-wide.
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