ASI W9600485r1.2

Moon Miners' Manifesto

#91 December 1995

Section the Artemis Data Book

MMM#91 Local Chapter article

Artemis Society Houston - from Greg Bennett
Artemis Society of Houston meeting, October 24, 1995.

  David Brummel demonstrated the web site he coded for the Artemis Society of Houston. It will be installed in the ASI domain with links from the introductory Artemis Society material. The main entry point to the Artemis Project on the World Wide Web is

  We reviewed copies of the new fact sheets and membership cards from Duncan Graphics. The fact sheets are hard to reproduce -- high-quality printing is needed to reproduce the backgrounds properly -- but the result is very readable and impressive. The text of the Frequently Asked Questions and Frequently Raised Objections fact sheets needs to be better organized before doing massive print runs

  The membership ID was not well-received; it's too large and looks like an ID badge instead of a membership card. The concensus at ASH was that the membership card should be the size of a credit card. Separate photo ID badges would have lots of uses, but should be a bit smaller and the person's name should be printed much larger.

  I gave a briefing on where Angus Bay is, and how it got its name. This was essentially a presentation of the story I posted to artemis-list a few days ago. Larry Friesen objected to changing the name of Mare Anguis ("Sea of Snakes"), but no one could present an argument for preserving silly names of places just to appease a bureaucracy.

  The main question before the Artemis Society of Houston now, besides working with ASI HQ to establish the paperwork for chartering local groups, is to select a project or two on which we can concentrate our efforts.

Artemis Society Columbus - Nathan Bellomy-McKnight

  "I am the director of the as-of-yet embryonic Artemis Society Columbus in Columbus, Ohio. We're just getting started, and we'd like any advice or input we can get from other Artemis Society chapters around the world."

  Also, I'm interested in compiling an Artemis e-mail directory with interests/skills cross-referencing. If you or anyone you know would like to be included in, or help in producing such a directory, please e-mail me at <>.

  Artemis Society Columbus has a World Wide Web page at:

Artemis Society Huntsville

  The Headquarters Chapter is also a reality, led by J. Boise Pearson and David Tabb.

Other ASI Chapters Forming, or Planned

  Response to Pat Bennett's request for Artemis Society members to sign up for participation on various committeees showed interest in chapter formation in the following areas:

For assistance in forming an ASI chapter in your area, contact ASI headquarters.

Affiliate Organizations

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