Pleiades #101 December 1996
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Pleiades (MMM #101)

Letter from the President

Sometimes, in all the work being done to organize this committee or meet that deadline to keep ASI running and growing, it's easy to lose sight of where we are headed. There is one overall goal to the Artemis Project: to put mankind (and perhaps you one day) back on the moon. There as many different personal reasons for that goal as there are members of ASI and readers of Moon Miners' Manifesto, but we all share a deep desire to be a part of the return. This month, take a moment to read "The Artemis Project: Landing Day" [see pages 6-7], to help recapture that sense of awe and wonder that draws you irresistibly to look up at the night sky and dream.

We've started up a few new email lists that should be of interest to members of ASI. The first is artemis-news. Artemis-news is a read-only email list to help keep people informed of what is happening in ASI and the Artemis Project. We'd like to encourage all members of ASI to join, to help keep abreast of the latest news and events. We'd also encourage members and committees with news about their projects to share their progress and announcements via artemis-news. Submissions should be sent to

The second list of interest is the asi-admin list. Asi-admin was started to provide a place to discuss the administration of ASI. Those interested in ASI administration, whether you feel things need to be run better/differently or just like administrative work, should join the list. But be prepared to roll up your sleeves and get busy!

To join either list, send a message to, with the body of your message "subscribe artemis-news ", or "subscribe asi-admin ", without the quotes. Instructions on joining these and all the other ASI email lists can be found on the ASI mailing list webpage at:

Membership renewals have been coming in, and we'd like to thank you for your continued commitment to the dream. Remember to keep an eye on your mailing label to keep track of your expiration date, so you won't miss a beat!!

See you at the Luna City Hotel!!
J Boise Pearson
President, Artemis Society International

Pleiades #101 December 1996

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