We're starting this month with a report on Artemis '96, our annual get-together which took place in Houston, Texas on June 28-30. This year the focus was on business aspects of the Artemis Project, the aspects that will finance the spaceflight and lunar base. We had a great group of people there to support the 'think tank' atmosphere of the conference, and we got a lot accomplished. Participation in the conference was a perfect example of how you, the members of Artemis Society International, fit into the Artemis Project. The ASI-hosted event provided a forum for creative ideas, commentaries and critiques of the business side of the Artemis Project, a place where folks could put their heads together and help us get closer to the Moon. Conference attendees analyzed the status and progress of the Artemis Project in great detail, and were able to provide valuable insights into the direction of the Project. The discussions about the commercial side of the Project even sparked a few ideas amongst attendees to create their own niche in the commercial side of the Artemis Project. And don't forget, that is exactly the way the Artemis Project is financed, through the entertainment value of the spaceflight and lunar base, with entrepreneurs marketing Artemis Project products, and returning a portion of the profits to build space-craft.
Membership renewal notices are being mailed to those who have reached or are nearing the end of their memberships, and will continue to go out each month. In an effort to keep administrative costs low, we'll only be sending one notice to each member. But you don't need a renewal notice to renew or extend your membership, that can be done anytime just by contacting us at ASI HQ, P.O. Box 4878, Huntsville AL, 35803, USA. Memberships may be extended for any length of time at the current dues rate. Members extending for the maximum period of twenty years become lifetime members, and need never renew again. And it may be to your advantage to renew early and for multiple years. Starting at the end of December, 1996, membership will increase from $25/year to $35/year. Please take a moment to reflect on your membership, and the progress that both ASI and the Artemis Project have made as a result of your support.
See you at the Luna City Hotel!!
J Boise Pearson
President, Artemis Society International