Letter From the President
by Boise Pearson, President, Artemis Society International
Last July, we held our first Artemis conference, Artemis '95, in Huntsville, Alabama. This provided an opportunity for a lot of us who had only met electronically the chance to meet face-to-face and get to know each other, as well as plan the future of manned space flight.
We had so much fun, we've decided to make it a tradition, and plans are in the works for Artemis '96. This year we are holding the event in Houston, Texas, hosted by the Artemis Society of Houston. The focus of Artemis '96 will be program plans for the Artemis Project, its supporting non-profit organizations, and participating commercial businesses. Plans are for Artemis '96 to be a working meeting, where everyone digs in and gets their hands dirty working out the organizational details necessary to get us to the Moon.
The most difficult part of the Artemis Project is not the technical challenge of manned spaceflight, but the financial challenge of putting together a complex coalition of commercial enterprises and non-profit organizations to fund the spaceflight. We've been to the Moon before, and have been increasing our proficiency in spaceflight with every passing year. This time, the rocket science is the easy part. If this new challenge excites you, and you feel you have something to contribute, I'd encourage you to attend Artemis '96.
Additional details will be published next month. Stay tuned!]
The ASI internet site continues to grow, and has become the focus for much of the activity going on in the Artemis Project. In particular, the Artemis Data Book is taking shape on the WWW site, and grows daily. As you make your contributions to the Artemis Project, you should work towards placing your final results in archival form for inclusion in the Artemis Data Book. Don't despair if you don't know the World Wide Web from Sanskrit, we've got a team of people waiting to put your contributions into WWW form. Contact ASI at the address or email above for more information on making your contribution a part of the Artemis Data Book.
See you at the Luna City Hotel!!