SSTO Aerodynamics
To determine the question of aerodynamic efficiency of the gumdrop
shape on ascent, we'll need to propogate the entire trajectory using a
digital simulation that includes atmospheric drag. Total delta-V won't
tell us much about aero drag because that's the speed we're going at the
end of the flight.
Since drag will slow us down, we also would want to include the change
in engine thrust.
The trick is to guesstimate a drag coefficient for a 41-degree cone and
push that gumpdrop through the soup (of the atmosphere). I'd assume a
trajectory with mostly a vertical component until you're up around
300,000 feet. Air density at that altitude is only about 4x10-9 slugs/ft3, so
aerodynamic drag up there is almost negligible. Then pitch over and
start the downrange acceleration.
The Shuttle
actually lofts its trajectory, peaking higher than its final orbit, to
avoid air drag. I'll be quick to point out that ugly as it is, the
gumdrop is a more aerodynamically efficient shape than all that
claptrap hanging on the Shuttle stack. We don't have struts, wings, and
tail hanging in the breeze. The vehicle doesn't have abrupt changes in
cross-sectional area or stagnation points like the pilots' windows. And it
doesn't have that venturi between four different main bodies looking like
an enormous flat plate.
If you start streamlining the body you'll find skin friction drag
along a long cylinder will exceed the flat plate drag. My guess is that
it's not worth it to worry too much about streamlining on an otherwise
aerodynamically clean vehicle that will spend only three minutes in the
atmosphere during ascent, and those are at its lowest velocity.
Essentially what we've done is to take a typical rocket shape and leave
off the big cylinder at the back end.
ASI W9600871r1.1.
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