LTV Hygiene System
Personal Hygiene Kit
A personal hygiene kit is provided for each crew
member which contains those items required for cleansing and
Contents of Personal Hygiene kit:
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Hair brush
- Electric shaver or Razor & shaving cream
- Nail clippers
- Tweezers
- Deodorant
- Dental Floss
Envisioned Sizes:
The entire system should be contained in one pouch measuring 8" x 6" x 4".
Note: this size is an estimate only; actual data have yet
to be located.
Proposed Location:
Storage within a locker assigned to a crew member
(assumed to be located near the sleep area).
Feminine Hygiene Kit
One kit will be provided that contains the items
essential to female hygiene and grooming.
Contents of Feminine Hygiene Kit:
- Tampons and/or Feminine pads
Envisioned Sizes:
The entire system should be contained in one
pouch measuring 8" x 6" x 4".
Note: this size is an estimate only; actual data have yet
to be located.
Proposed Location:
Storage within a locker in or near the washroom.
Towels and Washcloths
An essential part of feeling and appearing clean
is having the ability to wash one's hands and face. To accomplish this
task, towels and washcloths will be provided for each crew member.
Further, rubber towel restraints are provided. These have a
Velcro base so that they may be attached to the wall.
Envisioned Sizes:
Each crew member shall be provided with two
washcloths measuring 12" x 12" and one towel measuring 16" x 27" per day.
The entire set, allowing for three people for 7 days (3 days out, 1 day
there, 3 days back), would therefore consist of 42 washcloths and 21
towels. This should occupy a space of about 3,780 cubic inches (2.1875
cubic feet).
Note: although the size and number of towels and washcloths
are based on current Space Shuttle missions, towel/washcloth thickness
is unknown and thus, this size is an estimate only.
Proposed Location:
Storage within a locker near the wash area
(assumed to be the sink associated with the Galley).
Tissues are provided to each crew member. The tissues are provided in dispensers
and are absorbent, multi-ply, low-linting paper.
Envisioned Sizes of System:
Each crew member shall be provided with two
tissue dispensers per 7 days. Assuming a three-day voyage to the moon,
one day there, and three days back, this totals six tissue dispensers
(three crew members). This should occupy a space equivalent to 5" x 3" per
Note: this size is an estimate only; actual data have yet
to be located.
Proposed Location:
Storage within a locker assigned to each
individual crew member (assumed to be located near the sleep area).
Soap for personal use will be provided. This soap
is what will be used to wash hands and face. The soap must maintain its
location in the wash area. To this purpose steel inserts will be pushed
into the bar prior to use. The wash-station will then have a magnet
attached to it so that the bar of soap may be magnetically held in
Envisioned Sizes of System:
Assuming a seven-day mission duration, three bars
of soap will be satisfactory. It is anticipated that, in fact, at most
two bars will be used but the third is provided as a contingency. Each
bar is 4" x 3"
Note: this size is an estimate only; the actual value will
depend on brand.
Proposed Location:
The bar currently in use will be magnetically
attached inside the wash-station as described above. Extra bars will be
stored within a locker located near the wash-station.
Waste Collection (WC)
The Waste Collection system is the bathroom
facility on the LTV. It is the same system as is currently in use on the
Space Shuttle. This system provides a means to collect, store, and dry
fecal matter and associated tissue as well as a means to process and
store urine.
To combat the lack of gravity, the commode and urinal both pull
air through them, thereby ensuring that all matter flows in the correct
direction. This "fan/separator" system also helps to eliminate odors by
passing the air through an odor and bacteria filter before returning it
to the cabin.
The commode base provides two foot restraints which can be
adjusted up and down as well as to various angles. In addition, there is
a bar that is placed over the thighs which presses down slightly to
hold the crew member in the correct position.
The urinal unit is essentially a tube with a funnel on the end.
Funnel attachments are provided to accommodate both males and females.
The urinal can be used either standing, in which case the crew member
simply places his/her toes under a toe-bar which is located at the base
of the commode, or sitting. If the urinal is to be used sitting, there
is a pivoting, mounting bracket which allows it to be attached to the
Envisioned Sizes of System:
The entire commode/urinal assembly is 29" (wide)
x 27" x 27"
Note: this size is based on information from the Space
Shuttle Reference pages on the World Wide Web. Detailed dimensioning has
yet to be located.
Proposed Location:
It is recommended that the WC be located as far
as possible from both the flight deck and the sleeping area to avoid
disruptions resulting from operation noise of the system.
Contingency Fecal Bag
In the event that the WC fails, fecal collection
bags provide an alternative. The top of the bag is sticky (once the
protective paper is removed) to ensure a good seal to the crew member's
body. The bag provides a finger thimble to assist getting the feces into
the bag.
Once the crew member is finished with it, the bag is removed from the
body, sealed, and then squeezed until the bag of germicide located
inside it breaks.
Envisioned Sizes of System:
Each bag measures 5" x 8". Considering a worst case
scenario where the WC fails immediately after leaving Earth orbit for a
seven-day mission with a crew of three, 21 fecal collection bags are
Note: this size is an estimate only; actual data have yet
to be located.
Proposed Location:
Storage within a locker close to the WC. It is
not essential that this locker be the most readily accessible since it
is not expected that the bags will be needed.
ASI W9700322r1.0.
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Updated Sat, Aug 2, 1997.