The Lunar Science Technical Committee has two broad purposes, first to find out what we know about the Moon and make it accessible to the rest of the Artemis team, and second, to brainstorm about things we don't know but should find out when we go back to the Moon. It doesn't matter whether you have been studying planetary geology professionally for years or are just interested in learning about the Moon, there is lots for us to do here.
If you could select tasks that are of interest and help work on them, we'll all get to the Moon a lot faster. Don't worry if you only want to work on one part of a subtopic, there is no need to tackle a mammoth task all at once. Keep in mind that even very preliminary compilations and results will be very useful for other folks on the Artemis team.
So far, nearly everything needs a volunteer to take a crack at the research, brainstorming, or writing. The slightest amount of help does wonders in a group project, and any help at all gets us one step closer to the Moon.
Goals: Summarize existing knowledge of Luna, including identification of existing relevant publications and web sites on the Moon, lists of active researchers, and lists of funded research proposals. Organize this information to serve as a resource for other Artemis Project Technical Committees.
Products: Artemis Data Book Appendix M including:
Goals: Identify areas of research (related to the Moon rather than spaceflight in general), and thus science experiments, that are important to the immediate and long-term goals of the Artemis Project, and ultimately to identify researchers interested and capable of conducting those research projects
Identify areas of research and specific science experiments that are directly important to the goals of the Artemis Project, and ultimately to identify researchers interested and capable of conducting those research projects
Example: Geochemical analysis of representative samples of regolith from the landing site will be necessary to evaluate techniques for extracting various metals and other elements
We are always looking for additional volunteers to help with the tasks above. Most of these require only a desire to learn more about the Moon. If you are willing, give it a try, even if you don't have any experience in the area in which you would like to work. Please send mail with the task you want to help with to OSF-Administrator <osf-admin@asi.org>.