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Charter of Artemis Society International

LRC Board Action: 1996-0001
ASI Board Action: 1996-08r5

Lunar Resources Company
Board of Directors

Date: 28 November 1996
Title: Charter for Artemis Society International

Article 1
Recognition and Authorization to Conduct Business

The Lunar Resources Company, hereinafter referred to as "the Company," establishes Artemis Society International, hereinafter referred to as "the Society," to perform the non-profit educational and scientific function of the Artemis Project, and authorizes the Society to organize all efforts of non-profit organizations on behalf of the Artemis Project.

Article 2
Authorization to Use Lunar Resources Company Trademarks

The Society is hereby authorized to use certain trademarks owned by The Lunar Resources Company, subject to the limitations set forth in Article 5 of this Charter.

The specific trademarks included in this authorization are:

This authorization does not convey ownership in full or in part of any of these trademarks to the Society. The Company retains all rights to use, ownership, and licensing of these trademarks. The Society may not license use of any trademark to any other entity, internal or external to the Society, without specific permission from the Company.

Article 3
Purpose and Goals

Paragraph 1: Organization and Purpose

The Society is established as a membership organization, with local chapters and associated amenities and infrastructure, which provides its members the opportunity to contribute directly to the future of manned space flight.

Paragraph 2: Research and Development

The Society will contribute to the Artemis Project by performing research and development in the areas of design relating to spacecraft and mission design for missions to the moon and elsewhere in the solar system, the supporting business infrastructure, and any other aspect of the Artemis Project and foreseeable development of space. The Society also will conduct research in the areas of business related to funding commercial space exploration and development, especially manned space.

Paragraph 3: Education

The Society will serve as an educational foundation to increase public knowledge and understanding of the methods of developing and commercially funding space craft and space missions. Through these activities it will increase public interest in and support for the Artemis Project and space development.

Paragraph 4: Communication

The Society will establish public forums where people may meet to discuss and develop the technical, political, and business infrastructure required for a program of private space development.

Article 4
Authority to Establish a Headquarters

The Society is hereby authorized to establish a headquarters and supporting organization in Huntsville, Alabama, and to conduct whatever business is required to operate the organization within the purposes, goals, and limitations set forth in this charter.

Article 5

Paragraph 1. No Commercial Activity

The Society is restricted exclusively to non-profit activities. The Society shall not engage in any form of commercial business or profit-making activity and shall produce no commercial product, except that it may provide forums for people desiring to conduct commercial business to meet and discuss these commercial activities, and, with the approval of The Lunar Resources Company, the Society may contract with Artemis Project commercial participants to produce products exclusively designated for Society fund-raising.

Paragraph 2. No Political or Social Causes

The Society shall not use, or within its power permit others to use, any trademark associated with the Artemis Project to further or promote any political or social cause whatsoever, to support candidates for office, to support any legislation in any government body, or to promote social change among the general public, except the cause of establishing a permanent, self-supporting lunar community. The decision as to what constitutes a political or social cause rests with the Society Board of Directors, with the approval of The Lunar Resources Company board of directors or their designated representative.

Paragraph 3. Society Organizations Must Be Chartered

Any organization recognized by the Society to be part of the Society, including chapters, committees, or other organizational units, shall be formed with a written charter which is in complete compliance with this general charter for the Society. No such charters shall become effective, nor shall any officers appointed thereby take office, until approved by the Society's board of directors.

Paragraph 4. Cancellation of This Charter

At its sole discretion and authority, the board of directors of the Company reserves the right to cancel or modify this charter at any time upon twenty-four hours written notice served to the board of directors of the Society. In the event that the Company cancels this charter, the Society will immediately cease all operations other than to notify its constituent organizations of cancellation of the charter and the orderly disbursement of Society assets according to the Society's articles of incorporation.

Paragraph 5. Permission Required for Change in Legal Status

The Society shall not seek or apply for any change in its legal status beyond recognition as a general non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Alabama, including but not limited to recognition for tax exemption from state and national governments, without specific permission from the board of directors of the Company for each change.

Paragraph 6. Directors Appointed by the Company

Directors of the Society shall be appointed by the board of directors of the Company. All legal paperwork of the Society which addresses recognition of directors of the Society shall state this method of appointing Society directors.

Paragraph 7. No Internal Politics

The Society, with the exception of voting by its Directors on official business before the Board, shall not establish or adopt any method of general voting to elect or appoint any officer, director, or leadership position within the Society, including but not limited to recognition of leadership positions within local chapters and similar organizations within the Society. This restriction does not prohibit local organizations from conducting a non-binding poll of their local constituents to select persons to be recommended for recognition by the Society as officers of the local organization.

Paragraph 8. Approval of Public Information

The Society may operate under its own authority according to the best judgment of its directors, officers, and other leaders; however all publications and other public communication that may be construed to represent official policy of the Artemis Project shall be submitted to the Company prior to publication and shall be subject to approval by the Company, and shall be withdrawn or modified as directed by the designated representative of the Company. In the event of a dispute, the board of directors of the Company is the sole arbiter of any decision whether or not to release any specific information to the public, and the Society shall withdraw or withhold any disputed communication until authorization has been received from the Company board of directors or their duly appointed representative. he Lunar Resources Company.

Adopted by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors of The Lunar Resources Company this 28th day of November, 1996.

Kevin O'Donnell, Jr.
Board of Directors
The Lunar Resources Company

Orignal signed by
Gregory R. Bennett

Chairman Board of Directors
The Lunar Resources Company

Agreed and Accepted on Behalf of Artemis Society International this
26th day of November, 1996.

Orignal signed by
J. Boise Pearson

Chairman Board of Directors
Artemis Society International


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