The microlander's payload consists of just a small camera and a communication system to send those pictures back to us here on Earth. It might not seem like much of a mission, but the benefit we derive from this little mission go far beyond a bit of publicity. This mission is a vital part of forging the whole Artemis Project team into a viable organization to conduct flights to the moon.
Not all the processes are scalable, but the team will acquire funadamental knowledge and experience in:
In the process of doing this, we also set up:
We'll get some nifty pictures; maybe even close-ups of potential landing sites for more elaborate missions.
We'll probably also get some nifty publicity for the concept of private enterprise on the moon.
I'm hoping we will derive a serendipitous benefit of settling the stomachs of the folks who are afraid of private enterprise space ventures. In the past few years, I've been surprised to learn that NASA folks -- those with real civil service badges -- embrace the idea of private manned space ventures. It's the contractors we have problems with.
We might even generate some public acceptance and enthusiasm for the idea. That establishes a seed market, which can grow to the point that we can afford to conduct more elaborate missions, starting with the roving robots and moving on to the manned landing.