Spacecraft Design Options
We're finding zillions of options while working out 3-D renderings. A
non-encyclopeedic list:
- Lunar Transfer Vehicle
- Overall Configuration
Optimize for later use as free-flyer or space station laboratory,
methods for refueling, methods for swapping tanks
- Propulsion
Engine selection, number of engines, engine arrangement
- Fuel and oxydizer tanks: number, geometry, arrangement, insulation,
thermal protection scheme, launch packaging, pumps vs. gas pressurization,
plumbing layout
- Electrical power: fuel cells, batteries, to have photovoltaic arrays or
not, geometry of photovoltaic arrays,
- Maneuvering thrusters: buried in module or thruster clusters, rocket
motor selection, geometry of fuel tanks, plumbling layout, engine gimbaling
vs. thrusters to get the thrust vector through the center of gravity
- Forward service module: length, functions, geometry
- Command module: source for pressure vessel, interior layout, airlock
vs. depressurizing the whole module, air cooling vs. liquid cooling for
- Thermal control: body-mounted radiators vs. paddles, working fluid
(ammonia, freon, something else)
- Windows: periscopes, simple windows, shades,
- External cameras: size, type, location, method of attachment to LTV
structure, supporting lights
- Control software: completely autonomous vs. ground control
- Antennas: how many, antenna geometry, where to mount them, design of
antenna mount, automatically deployed or installed by crew
- Structures and mechanisms: automated or manual, selection of design for
each item, material, off-the-shelf vs. custom hardware
- Airlock
- Separate unit or part of moon base hab module, selection of berthing
mechanism, blow-down or recovery pump, suit stowage in airlock or in main
- Moon Base
- Pressure vessel: Source (anything better than SPACEHAB?), horizontal
vs. vertical orientation, size (1, 2, or 3 modules), inflatable vs. rigid
(inflatable technology might advance; even if not, the idea keeps coming
- Power supply: fuel cells, batteries, photovoltaic, radioisotope thermal
generator, solar dynamic
- Protection: pile on moon dust directly vs. erecting a tent, geometry of
tent, periscopes vs. movable awnings to protect windows
- Descent Stage
- Fuel tanks: geometry and arrangment (sphere, cylinder, torus),
clustered or stacked, material, single use or design for later use as moon
base gas storage
- Primary structure: I-beams, tubes, rely on fuel tank material
- Insulation: beta cloth, gold foil, combinations of these, other
material, wrap tanks individually or surround the whole package
- Overall geometry: match SPACEHAB geometry or size for launch as
individual package, embedded ascent stage vs side-saddle
- Engines: rocket motor selection, cryogenic vs. hypergolic fuel, number
of engines, nozzle expansion (hence nozzle size and geometry)
- Maneuvering thrusters: use ascent stage thrusters during descent?; also
same options as LTV maneuvering thrusters, but with different
- Landing Gear
- Geometry: springs vs mechanisms, options for requirements (how much
lateral and vertical motion at touchdown; drives geometry), number of gear
(3, 4, or 6), size of landing pads, design of contact probes
- Mechanisms: springs vs. shock aborbers, method of rigidization on lunar
surface; automated vs. manuually deployed; launched with descent stage and
deployed or launched separately and installed; shock aborbers vs.
compression members
- Ascent Stage
- Geometry: embedded in descent stage vs side-saddle, open vs bubble
enclosure to protect crew from moon dust, crew arrangement, crew standing
vs lying down
- Tanks: same issues all LTV and descent stage
- Engines: number, cryogenic vs hypergolic
- Attitude control: thrusters vs. engine gimbaling vs. differential
thrust vs. vanes in engine plume vs. variable nozzle geometry
- Antennas: type, geometry, location
- Rendezvous radar: antenna design, antenna location
- Thrusters: location, clusters vs. individual embedded thrusters
This is just a list of options for the one mission to get the moon base
set up. We also have options for precursor and subsequent flights: all
those ways to get rovers and camera robots up there, perhaps Earth orbit
shakedown crusies for both unmanned and manned spacecraft, unmanned and
manned translunar flights.
ASI W9601154r1.1.
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