Habitat/Descent Stage Mass Properties Version 1.0
Name Weight X Station Y of CG Z of CG Ixx Iyy Izz
of CG
(lb) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sl ft2) (sl ft2) (sl ft2)
Airlock 600.00 5.00 0.00 -0.50 168.00 239.00 239.00
Habitat 15,000.00 25.00 0.00 -1.00 10,621.00 22,794.00 22,794.00
Total Habitat 15,600.00 24.23 0.00 -0.98
Other Stuff 595.00 45.00 0.00 0.00 7.00 7.00 7.00
RL-10 Engine 305.00 50.00 0.00 -0.50 9.50 33.20 33.20
Total Descent Stage 900.00 46.69 0.00 -0.17
Total Habitat/Desc Stage 16,500.00 25.46 0.00 -0.94 10,828.96 43,771.52 43,748.07
Release Notes:
This is the initial release of the Habitat and Descent Stage Mass
Properties sheet. It has been put together to serve primarily as a seed
for my spreadsheet. As such, all values contained in this sheet are to be
treated as extremely preliminary. Unless otherwise noted, consider
all quantities are assumed to have a very high degree of uncertainty. Please see the
Habitat and Descent Stage Mass
Properties Coordinate System page for a description of the coordinate
system in which the Centers of Gravity and Moments of Inertia are represented.
- Weights: The weights for the airlock and an RL-10A-3-3A
engine are reasonably well-known quantities. The other weights have been
added merely to make the Habitat and Descent Stage weights add up to
previously published data. Treat these other weights with a high degree
of uncertainty.
- X CG location: The X coordinate of each component's center
of gravity has been based upon a crude estimate of where the geometric
center of each component will be located. The Hab/Desc total makes use of
each of these locations.
- Y CG location: The Habitat and Descent Stage have been
assumed to have a plane of symmetry in the X-Z plane. Consequently, the Y
coordinates of all center of gravity locations are zero.
- Z CG location: The Z coordinate of each component's center
of gravity has been based upon a crude estimate of where the geometric
center of each component will be located. The Hab/Desc total makes use of
each of these locations.
- Component Moments of Inertia: The component moments of
inertia, where given, have largely been based upon approximating each
component as a cylindrical shell.
- Overall LTV Moments of Inertia: The overall moments of
inertia take into account the CG locations of each component, in addition
to making use of the available component moments of inertia.
Planned enhancements to this page include:
- Increased and improved component weight definition
- Increased and improved component CG location definition
- Increased and improved component moment of inertia definition
- Addition of cross products of inertia
ASI W9700264r1.1.
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John M. Kruep.
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Updated Sun, Aug 1, 1999.