Moon Rock Merchandising
Clark Lindsey
Lunar materials can be used, if marketed correctly, to fund a good portion of the Artemis Project. The value of lunar materials in a
marketing campaign selling various products, such as small slabs of moon rock, could be
estimated as high as $50M/kg. Clearly, importing a mere 100 kg, even
with a more conservative estimate of $10M or less per kg, could amount to a
substantial sum.
Important brainstorming has been conducted to study the possible
applications of lunar materials in merchandising.
Moon dust:
- Lunar additives in glazes for coffee mugs and other ceramics. A
little bit of lunar material can coat an entire mug cheaply
- Accents for crafts and artworks: "Fine terrestrial
glassware (bridal registry quality or prestige barware) with etching
like patterns made with lunar fines. Decorative mirrors, clock faces..."
- Paints mixed with moon dust for use in space art paintings, for example
- Additives to commercial collectables, e.g., a few micrograms added to
Franklin Mint Star Trek plates and chess pieces, Star Wars toy figures, etc.
- Very thin compressed disks (5-50 micron thick, 1 cm square) encapsulated in plastic and
displayed on plaques and other displays for the low price range ($20-200).
- Highlights for jewelry, watch faces, etc.
- Ingredients (assuming FTC, FDA, etc. approval) in makeup, facial creams,
tonics, etc.
Moon rock:
- Very thin fragments
( < mm range) encapsulated in glass and displayed
on plaques and other displays and sold in the medium price range ($200-$2,000).
- Pebble size stones, possibly suspended in glass, sold for the high
price range ($2,000-$20,000).
- Stones sold for the very high price range (>$200,000), e.g., to museums, etc.
- Jewelry and souvenirs made with pieces ranging from small fragments to
polished stones.
Some Questions:
- How big a market really exists for raw moon materials? Will
enough people pay
enough money for small amounts of moon materials to make a substantial
to the Artemis Project costs?
- Do you go for the high-end market and concentrate on selling a few
large pieces?
Or go for a mass-market approach with extremely small amounts per package,
at the
risk of devaluing the wonder and excitement of owning a part of the moon?
- Most agree that there will be a big market initially, but will the
interest be sustained?
Will the supply quickly outpace demand?
- How to prevent counterfeiting? Are (expensive?) chemical certifications
required? For
stones and fragments, are "fingerprint" pictures and serial numbers on file
- Will potential investors be impressed by the near-certainty of at least one
product area contributing to the initial cash flow?
ASI W9600349r1.1.
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