Why the Artemis Project is Unique
A lot of manned space development studies have been read in research for the
Artemis Project, but as far as we know, this is the
first time anyone has put together a cogent story with a solid business plan
that doesn't depend on the government or a sugar daddy bankrolling the space
It is true that we will be seeking investors for the entertainment
industries, but even that might be less than we expect as we bring on board
existing entertainment companies as participants in the project. Incidentally,
we're open to proposals in any arena; always will be.
Several major factors distinguish the Artemis Project from all those
previous ideas:
- Current state of technology has advanced to the point that we can get the
initial lunar base on the moon without investing a lot in new technology
- Treating the project as completely private enterprise, including use of
commercial aerospace engineering practices instead of modeling it after a
government program
- The promise of opening space travel to the general public makes it relevant
to nearly everyone's life
- Directly addressing the fact that space travel is nothing more than a form
of entertainment for most people; and realizing that the economic power of the
entertainment industry far exceeds the aerospace industry
- Willingness to set aside altruism in favor of shameless commercialism to
get the job done
- Willingness to start small and grow, instead of planning a program that
leaps from where we are today to a huge research facility on the moon
- Opening the project itself for everyone who wants to help, and developing a
way to apply skills and talents besides just spacecraft engineering and
political lobbying to getting it done
- Incorporating all industries in our business plan, rather than
concentrating on just one segment or new technology idea
- Establishing up front that no social causes of any kind will be allowed to
be part of the program
- Inviting the whole worldwide space community to participate
- Actively avoiding building the project around a central personality
- The Internet
ASI W9600830r1.1.
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Gregory Bennett.
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