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Artemis Project!
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12 men have walked on the Moon.
When do you get to go?

      The Artemis Project is going to take you there!   Artemis is a private venture to establish a permanent, self-supporting community on the Moon.  Here, you will find out how we are going to get there, how we are going to pay for it, and how you can come too!

      You are in the main lobby of the Artemis Project and the on-line headquarters of Artemis Society International.   Inside, you will find the Project's central library, with program plans, spacecraft designs, and everything else needed to open space travel to you.   Use the buttons on the left to explore the Artemis Project Web.

It's not just a dream any more!  

Copyright© 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Artemis Society International. Send comments about this web site to <webmaster@asi.org>.
"The Artemis Project" is a trademark of The Lunar Resources Company, used by permission.     This site maintained with WebSite Director.